Welcome to RossRoads

One girl's journey with her first novel.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The New Process

Well, the challenge for last week was that I would write every day for thirty minutes...it didn't happen. However, I wrote more than the week before, which is good.

This week I also came up with a great new tactic to help me write more.I got an ipod for Christmas and it has a voice recorder on it. So instead of typing out the story first I speak it into my ipod. Sometimes I delete it after and start over, sometimes I edit it as I go but so far it has been a very helpful tool. After I've recorded it I can then go back and listen to it and write it down and add or subtract as I want to.

I am hoping this will help me write more and just like last week I am setting a goal of writing at least thirty minutes everyday.

Wish me luck!

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